A Hopeful January

It's definitely the time of year to be dreaming of seeds and gardening...at least for me in my little neck of the woods.

This is only my second winter having a garden, so I'm still a novice but the mild fall and mostly mild winter has treated me well.  

In the garden right now we still have some things producing:

  • radishes 
  • collards
  • bok choy 
  • rutabaga
  • arugala
Then, we've got a few things that seem to be just hanging out in the garden like
  • leeks
  • brussels sprouts
  • broccoli
Those were all planted with some peas (which produced a little) and lettuces which did great until the frost.

With the buggy conditions conditions around here combined with my reluctance to use pesticides I've found that this cold time of year is the best time to produce all the collard and lettuce like plants.

Over the next few weeks I've got quite a few goals to get geared up for the spring (see upcoming posts for more information on that) and of course, I'm going to enjoy what I've got.

So, what's on the menu for this little chef?  Here's a few things I hope to make this week.

-Egg Roll Stir-fry using Farmer's Market Cabbage
-Black Eyed Peas with Sausage (From Rainbow Meadow's Farm) and Collards (from the garden)
-Garden Stirfry (Ha!  So original) with bok choy, radishes, and some frozen peas

Hope all is well with you and your gardens.  Thanks for taking the time to read my first blog post!  Be on the lookout for more postings on what's going on in my garden.

What's on your menu this week?
What are some things that your garden is or has produced this time of year?


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