What's Growing On: August 2016

Well Hello There!

I hope your garden is growing well.  Mine is doing pretty good at the moment.  I have been working hard this year not to overcrowd my garden.

At the moment I am growing:

  • Black Eyed Peas - 2 rows and 1 little patch
  • Tomatoes
    • Yellow Cherry -4
    • Yellow Pear - 2 
    • Yellow Dr. Wyche - 2
    • Red Roma - 3
    • Red "medium sized" -3
  • Bell Peppers - rainbow mix - 6
  • Kentucky wonders 
  • Burgundy Beans
  • Strawberries

Black Eyed Peas

These have grown really well for me the past two years.  I grow Purple Hull as recommended to me by my Uncle Jimmy.  I planted one row earlier in the summer and then the other two spots a little later.  I have enjoying a second and first flush right now so lots of peas coming in.  I haven't stored any of these (other than in my belly) but I do intend to try.


These are doing well overall.  I had my first experience with tomato worms.  I treated them with thuricide thoroughly and have not seen them since.  I am having issues with my larger yellow tomato plants as they have neither put out fruit or even flowers this year.  My other tomatoes have done well and I have dried several containers of cherry tomatoes and have several bags of frozen tomatoes as well.  

Bell Peppers

This has been my best year for bell peppers yet but I'm not sure that is saying a lot.  I have had some plants produce nice, big peppers and some plants that have hardly grown any at all.  But this is an improvement, I must say.

Kentucky wonders 

 I planted these a little later in the season and they are now flowering and putting out beans.  They have been slow but I attribute that to me saving seed that was not very good.  I will likely not save any of this seed but instead try again after next season.

Burgundy Beans

It has been a struggle for these little guys.  I do not feel they are well suited for my climate but they make the most beautiful little blooms.  They are doing better this year than last.  I believe I will grow them again and try to save their seed if they do better next year.


Just this past weekend I took the netting down around my strawberries.  They finally stopped producing but put out two solid rounds of berries.  I am going to do more research on their care and maybe share what I learn with you.

I hope I can share some of my adventures on blueberry jam and dried tomatoes on my next post.

What's growing in you garden?  Do you have any thoughts yet for a fall garden?

Take care,


Note: This post was initially published under the wrong title- oops!


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