I'm Back!!
Well Hello There!
It's been a while, hasn't it? Yes it has.
It was not my intention to start this blog only to walk away but sometimes life gets in the way.
After my squash got every conceivable pest known to mankind, my neighbor's lab dug up my garden for the 5th time and discovered the true reasons behind proper plant spacing (the hard way, of course) I just felt in over my head.
And sadly, a little too embarrassed to write about it. Which is funny because everyone makes mistakes and drama & challenges make stories interesting. The best stories to tell are the ones where something terrible happens that we can laugh at later. And of course, it's very boring to read about someone whose life is perfect. Perfection is fraudulent. No one's life, or garden for that matter, is perfect.
As fall approached, I was all set to get going high gear on writing again but instead I began another fast-paced, high stress year as a school teacher. All my extra creativity, energy, and time was sucked quickly down the drain of day to day challenges. I still gardened - in fact I've had my best fall, spring, and summer gardens yet (which I realize is not saying a whole lot :P ) but I just couldn't find the time to document it. But I hope that has changed.
I want to produce informative and valuable content but at the end of the day, this is really written for me and the few close friends who might actually read it. So, expect to see a myriad of topics - all related to food and gardening - presented here as they come along.
Another, and perhaps most exciting change I've had is that I've taken a new job! I'm so thrilled about it. It's definitely not teaching but it is fun and interesting. I've gone back into industry and am working in the world of product development? How cool is that? I'm still using all of my cooking skills just mingled with science which is quite fabulous.
I also got a fancy new computer which I hope will help me do a lot of cool things that I can some day share with you :D. Yay!
Anyway, I'm back. I hope to check in some time next week with some pictures, some stories, whatever strikes my fancy (and hopefully yours!)
Take Care,
It's been a while, hasn't it? Yes it has.
It was not my intention to start this blog only to walk away but sometimes life gets in the way.
Last Year's Garden Frustrations
I'm not one who gives up easily but last year's garden really tested my limits in terms of patience.
They don't call patience a virtue for nothin'!
After my squash got every conceivable pest known to mankind, my neighbor's lab dug up my garden for the 5th time and discovered the true reasons behind proper plant spacing (the hard way, of course) I just felt in over my head.
And sadly, a little too embarrassed to write about it. Which is funny because everyone makes mistakes and drama & challenges make stories interesting. The best stories to tell are the ones where something terrible happens that we can laugh at later. And of course, it's very boring to read about someone whose life is perfect. Perfection is fraudulent. No one's life, or garden for that matter, is perfect.
As fall approached, I was all set to get going high gear on writing again but instead I began another fast-paced, high stress year as a school teacher. All my extra creativity, energy, and time was sucked quickly down the drain of day to day challenges. I still gardened - in fact I've had my best fall, spring, and summer gardens yet (which I realize is not saying a whole lot :P ) but I just couldn't find the time to document it. But I hope that has changed.
Exciting New Changes!
I'm definitely looking at my garden differently. It's not something that I am doing just to showcase in a blog - it's something I'm doing because I want to know where my food comes from, learn a valuable skill, and express myself in a fun an interesting way. If that so happens to result in a good story, laugh, or lesson - Woo Hoo! If not? Oh well.I want to produce informative and valuable content but at the end of the day, this is really written for me and the few close friends who might actually read it. So, expect to see a myriad of topics - all related to food and gardening - presented here as they come along.
Another, and perhaps most exciting change I've had is that I've taken a new job! I'm so thrilled about it. It's definitely not teaching but it is fun and interesting. I've gone back into industry and am working in the world of product development? How cool is that? I'm still using all of my cooking skills just mingled with science which is quite fabulous.
I also got a fancy new computer which I hope will help me do a lot of cool things that I can some day share with you :D. Yay!
Anyway, I'm back. I hope to check in some time next week with some pictures, some stories, whatever strikes my fancy (and hopefully yours!)
Take Care,
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