What's Cooking Wednesday - Sauteed Brussels Sprouts

What's Cooking Wednesday:  Sauteed Brussels Sprouts

Despite the super chill keeping me out of the garden this week I'm very excited that the brussels sprouts I planted are finally sprouting.  

Those tiny little buds are a nutritional powerhouse and a great way to get some greens in.  Whether you have them in your garden are not, the brussels sprouts found in stores should be extra fresh right about now and of course you can always get them frozen.

This recipe seems especially timely because we are studying dry heat cooking methods - including sauteing!  

So, without any further ado, let's get cooking!

Sauteed Brussels Sprouts

3 slices of bacon, diced
1/2 cup of diced onion
3 cups brussels sprouts, cut into halves or quarters
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil, if needed

Heat skillet over medium high heat.  When water added to the pan sizzles put in your bacon.  Render the fat from the bacon and cook until crispy - about 5 to 7 minutes.  Remove bacon with a slotted spoon - reserving as much fat as possible.  

In the bacon fat, add diced onion.  Cook until the onion becomes translucent and begins to caramelize.  Lastly add your brussels sprouts, sauteeing gently until color brightens and they become tender.  Add additional oil if things begin to look dry.

Once brussels sprouts are cooked, add bacon back into the pan as well as salt and pepper.  


We made this recipe at work and it was delicious! 

What are some other things you like to do with brussels sprouts?  
What are other ways you incorporate greens in your winter diet?  

Take care,



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